Progress Report

. Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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So it's more than a week since "Treasure Makers" has been launched and so far I've made a total of $33.82 from three websites:

  1. A.W. Surveys - Completed this month's surveys and garnered $27 for evaluating websites. I have to wait for next month's Surveys and probably another month's surveys in order to cash out.
  2. ClixSense - I stressed out by clicking more than 170 advertisements and I've made a mere $1.82. Well, you can't get that for free.
  3. Ximmy Affiliate Program - As an introduction bonus for new members $5 was given.
I still haven't cashed out the above amount of $33.82. I'm still searching for more "money-making" ventures. And This isn't an easy task at all. It takes patience and venture!